Twitter Chief’s Pro-Tips to Maximize Tweets

You are in a good marketing channel if you are using Twitter today. With 353 million daily active users, the microblogging network is now ramping up on eCommerce. A digital marketing speaker Hong Kong highlights the potential power of Twitter marketing with its latest features and tools. Twitter Carousels have a higher CTR than single ads. More than 70 million accounts followed Twitter topics. And then, there are Twitter Spaces. They are used by millions of small and intimate listeners. 

A social media agency Hong Kong also notes that Twitter is popular in Germany, India, and the United States. It is even the number one social media network in Japan, where people discover 29% of new products. Its limited text character boost engagement among trending news content. Twitter became popular as a go-to place for news and trends. Recently, Adam Ilenich, Twitter’s Social Lead, answered some key questions about Twitter marketing today. This is a Twitter Chief’s pro-tips to maximize tweets!

What Promotional Elements are Seeing the Best Response on Twitter Today?

Adam has noted that the promotional elements seeing the best response on Twitter today are Amplify, Carousels, and premium in-feed videos. 

  • Twitter Amplify is a premium video solution that allows brands to put brand ads next to video content. It has proven to boost engagement 2.2 times and purchase intent 1.7 times. The key to its success is having a diverse range of categories to allow discoverability. It allows brands to connect with people interested in their niche.
  • Carousel Ads allow uploading multiple images and videos in a single tweet upload. Using two to six Carousel cards creates a seamless transition of various products and services. It is an effective way to tell a brand story. 
  • A video marketing agency Hong Kong also highlights the importance of premium in-feed videos on Twitter marketing. They elicit the highest level of attention among the Twitter nation. With the rising popularity of short-form video ads, Twitter’s premium in-feed videos are perfectly optimized for mobile devices.

To maximize tweets, using these three elements can boost brand engagements. 

What’s the Key to An Effective Marketing Strategy on Twitter? 

To maximize tweets, allow conversations to happen among brands. It is the key to an effective Twitter marketing strategy, according to Adam. He further explained that the latest letter to shareholders showed that more people turned to Twitter to talk about what matters to them.

Today, Twitter users are influential and passionate. Oftentimes, they are the first to try a new product in the market. Thus, driving meaningful conversations on Twitter results in conversion. A Twitter study showed that a 10% rise in the conversation on a Twitter brand increases conversion by 3%.

As Twitter becomes a haven for public conversation, it also results in a 131% increase in brand conversation among paid media. 

What’s the Most Common Mistake You See Brands Make with their Twitter Approach?

According to Adam, the most common mistakes brands make with their Twitter approach is trying to blend in. It is because they find it as a scapegoat from critiques and feedbacks. But, by blending in, a brand failed to stand out in Twitter marketing. They should focus more on shining most authentically and humanely.

Each Twitter brand should build a loyal following based on its unique tone of voice. Adam even gave a few pro-tips to create authentic branding and maximize tweets.

  • Adopt the language of your target audiences. Use words, phrases, and sentences structured to their style.
  • Highlight the unique qualities of your brand when tweeting.
  • Refrain from using formal terms, industry jargon, or words that are hard to understand.
  • Test to find out the marketing approach that performs best.

What’s a Good Example of a Brand That’s Achieving Strong Results with Twitter Marketing?

When asked about the best example of a brand that excels in Twitter marketing, Adam mentioned the “Ford” brand. It is on Twitter where the company first announced its big move to manufacturing electric vehicles. Through the #F150Lightning Reveal on Twitter, the brand has created aspirational awareness among Twitter conversations.

Such a Twitter campaign has also driven an impact in the adoption of the powerful Ford F-150, the most powerful, smartest, and trusted truck in the market today. A series of Reveal live streams captured people’s attention and shifted their perception about Ford electric vehicles. With more than 4.5 million views and 1.15 billion impressions, these events showcased Ford as a leader in the evolution of electric vehicles. 

What Would Be Your Top Tip for Someone Starting with Twitter Marketing?

Adam highlights the importance of checking out Twitter for Business and Marketing From these sites, a beginner in Twitter Marketing can learn valuable tips and tricks to help a brand or business succeed. Every week, Adam notes that the Twitter team update their three main content categories:

  • Twitter Insights to help a brand or business understand the power of Twitter’s proprietary data.
  • Twitter Inspirations to highlight the best-in-class campaigns among Twitter’s global brands.
  • Twitter Perspectives to help brands and businesses become industry influencers, subject matter experts, or thought leaders.
